ios ad block

ADBLOCK FOR iOS. Works with any iOS app, on both Wi-Fi and Cellular. one swipe to block them all.™. Block ads on iOS. Do it in any app. Do it on iOS 8 or ...

相關軟體 AdBlock 下載

Adblock Plus是一款功能強大的廣告攔截軟體。它除了提供可以依您的設定要求消除各種的網路廣告外,還能自動添加別人設定好的過濾規則,其強大的攔截功能是常常瀏覽網路的人不二選擇。 可以自動阻擋廣告彈跳出來。 ...

了解更多 »

  • Adblock Browser 2.0 for iOS is a major upgrade, with a completely new design and an improv...
    Adblock Browser on the App Store - iTunes - Apple
  • ADBLOCK FOR iOS. Works with any iOS app, on both Wi-Fi and Cellular. one swipe to block th...
    AdBlock for iOS - block ads on iPhone and iPad
  • The original AdBlock for iOS 8, iOS 9 and iOS 10 (32 and 64 bit). Blocking ads on iPhones ...
    AdBlock for iOS - block ads on iPhone and iPad ...
  • A full guide with information about different adblock apps. Download directly from the App...
    adblock for safari | ios adblock guide for ios9 ...
  • 2017年5月15日 - Mobile ads drive you mad? Adblock Mobile removes them all. • Blocks ads in m...
    Adblock Mobile — best Ad Blocker to block ads on the App Store
  • Description The original AdBlock for iOS and the last ad blocker you'll ever need. We&...
    AdBlock on the App Store - iTunes - Apple
  • Adblock Plus is the most popular ad blocker available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, ...
    Adblock Plus - Official Site
  • We know, we know — it took us long enough to get there. Sorry about that, but the wait is ...
    Adblock Plus and (a little) more: Adblock Plus for iOS is fi ...
  • 2017年9月19日 - PC端最流行的廣告過濾插件Adblock Plus (ABP) 原創瀏覽器登錄移動端。 Adblock瀏覽器有效阻擋多餘的廣告轟炸,讓您專注享有乾淨/舒...
    Adblock瀏覽器:在App Store 上的App - iTunes - Apple
  • 2017年11月9日 - The original AdBlock - the last ad blocker you'll ever need. We've b...
    AdBlock:在App Store 上的App - iTunes - Apple
  • 2017年10月23日 - With such a wide range of apps with varying features, which is the best ad ...
    Best Ad Blocker for iPhone and iPad on iOS 11 - Macworld UK
  • For years, people have longed for ways to stop advertising from popping up on their iPhone...
    Enabling of Ad Blocking in Apple’s iOS 9 Prompts Backlash - ...
  • 2017年5月4日 - If ads are getting in your way while browsing online you can always use an ad...
    How to block ads in iOS 10 on iPhone and iPad - Macworld UK
  • 2017年1月29日 - Adblock 的好用之處相信不用多說明了,大家無論在哪個瀏覽器,通常都會安裝這個延伸模組。那Safari 可不可以呢?iPhone 上的Safari ...
    【iPhone 瀏覽器也能這樣用】運用Adblock 幫Safari 擋下所有廣告| T客邦 ...
  • 2017年8月20日 - 電腦版幾乎封殺99%廣告電腦版都免費的擴充軟體ios買了結果根本沒有防廣告超騙.
    【問題】Adblock真的有用? @iOS 綜合討論哈啦板- 巴哈姆特
  • 許多網友使用電腦瀏覽器必備的上網外掛 Adblock Plus,可過濾網站廣告,提供用戶不受干擾的網路瀏覽體驗,全球累積超過 3 億次下載。日前德國開發商 Eyeo GmbH 推出...
    享受沒有廣告轟炸的行動網路世界,Adblock 瀏覽器再登陸 iOS | T ...
  • iOS 9 中最令人振奮的功能,就是在 Safari 瀏覽器中加入了擋廣告功能,除了系統預設的擋廣告功能外,蘋果也開放讓開發商推出專為 Safari 設計的擋廣告 Apps,在 i...
    升級iOS 9以後,Adblock 的伙伴們兩天內就佔據 App Store 熱門下 ...
  • 2015年9月22日 - 上星期iOS 9 推出後,App Store 亦發佈咗唔少廣告攔截的APPS,暫時已於 ... 要使用Ad Blocker APP,其實有幾項事情大家要...
    最高慳88% 數據! 10 款iOS 9 廣告阻擋app 大比拼- UNWIRE.HK